Pages in Level Art and Design

BL-TPS :: C..


BioShock In..

Bioshock In..

Level work ..

Stargate - ..
BL-TPS :: Claptastic Voyage :: Level Work
Here are screenshots from the 2 levels I worked on
for this DLC.
The first one is a dreamier version of BL-2's
Overlook level.
The 2nd is Motherlessboard. A Hub Level.
The screenshots are not from the shipped
This level is based on Borderland 2's Overlook level. It focuses on the main town where we added an extension. Most of the rest was removed or is inaccessible.It is played in claptraps memory. It starts very dreamy and happy but gets darker while playing through it multiple times.
The lighting and sky box are not from the shipped version.