Pages in [Legacy] Mod Levels






AIM-IT Tact..

Unreal 1 Le..
This UT 2004 map is based on CTF-Niven. The smallest CTF map released in original UT 1999.
I tried to use as much standard UT 2004 content as possible. All the basic geometry and corridors are custom made static meshes though.
Everything in the map is made out of static meshes except the floor and a few walls.
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One of the centre rooms. - I tried to stay as close as possible to the original layout of the level.Weapon pickups are in the same spots as they were in the original map. I replaced the razor pickup by another minigun pickup. It was the only item which broke the symmetry of the map and there is no razor in ut2004.

I only used ut2004 materials. This map is some kind of a test for me to create something out of existing pieces instead of creating new content like I did for Domain 2049

It is more a work of reconditioning the old CTF-Niven.

I used modules to create the curved parts of the bases. Everything in this image is static mesh. Even the floor.