Pages in [Legacy] Mod Levels






AIM-IT Tact..

Unreal 1 Le..
AIM-IT Tactical Ops Levels
I made 5 levels for TO map packs and I converted a couple of the older maps to the 3rd mappacks.
I also helped organizing, testing and the release of the 2nd and 3rd mappack. I had the honor to officially announce the 3rd map pack in the TO forum.
For a while about 90% of all games played on TO servers happened to be in a level called Rapid Waters. Some people were disappionted by the fact that no visually improved version of Rapid Waters came with the retail version of TO.With this map I wanted to give the players a visual improved alternative. It roughly has the same layout and size but is much nicer to look at.
This is my most successfull mod map ever released accross all games so far. It was ranked in the top 10 on the servers for a long time.

This is the best piece of art I made with the first unreal engine. Despite its size it runs well. It looks good and is very polished.I made this map together with my friend Rayden although I think I did most the work.

My first TO map for the retail version. I didn't finish it in time for the retail release so it was the first decent free downloadable new map after the release.
There are 2 versions available of this map.The first version was released with the first aim-it mappack.
The second version was my contribution to the aim-it-x-mappack (next to help organizing the release of the mappack)