Table Of Content: Arch Viz UI3 Documentation

Table of Content
Table Of Content
UI3 Overview
UI3 Get Started
UI3 Data Entry
UI3 Scene Settings
UI3 Design
UI3 Preview Ft.
UI3 Edit & Info
UI3 Connect
UI3 Other BPs
UI3 Input Controls
UI3 VR projects
UI3 Bugs
UI3 Vers History

UI3 Interface Data And Settings

This section gives you an overview of all features and what they do in the scene. The data is entered into the BP_UI3InfoMap blueprint. Place one of them into your scene to make the UI3 Interface work. You can find it in ArchVizUI3/UI/Blueprints

  • The layout and look of the UI are covered in the UI3 Design section.
  • Scene Settings are covered in the UI3 Scene Settings section.
  • Content:

    UI Settings for the Project

    Features with Preview

    Button Features


    Edit Mode

    Cost Tracking

    User Manager and Saves

    About Project and Help

    Project Media

    UI Settings for the Project

    Select the blueprint BP_SDotUI3InfoMap that you placed into your scene and enter the project data using the Details Panel.

    > Project Settings
    > Stream Levels Add all your levels here that need to be streamed in. Don't add the scenario levels and the ones that are marked as always loaded.
    0 | 1 | 2 ... Type the exact name of the levels
    Unit ID This is an internal number that allows different save slots for multiple units. A new number will generate 5 new save slots.
    > advanced display
    Screen Messages tick this box to show debug messages on screen during play. They will always appear in the output log. Turn off before packaging your app.
    Fade in Delay This delay gives the app time to load the levels before the scene becomes visible. 2.0 is default. More complex scenes require longer streaming times. But don't put the time below 2.0.


    Features with Preview

    Features with a Preview include
    • Design Schemes - Changes all Variation Actors
    • Variation Groups - Changes groups of Variation Actors
    • Scenarios - Replaces sub levels
    • Sequence Player - Plays animations
    • Scene Travel - Loads another scene

    Below are more detailed explanation for each feature type

    Read more about Features With Preview



    Button Features

    These features only contain buttons and are self explanatory:
    • Drone Mode Toggle
    • Inventory List - See FAQs
    • Quit Menu

    The image shows the gamepad version. The keyboard/mouse or touch version have active buttons instead of the controller button images.

    The keyboard or mouse/touch controlled versions can also have buttons in the main menu bar for taking screenshots, toggle the drone, or exit.



    The interactive Floorplan will show the player's position and pre- determent locations to teleport to. Locations are set by placing a BP_UI3Location blueprint into the scene.

    Add one array element per Floor or Unit. Start with the lowest level in the building as the first array element [0].

    > Floorplan
    Floorplan Header Change or translate the header here.
    Floorplan Scale Use this value to scale the floor uniformly.
    > Floors or Units Add an array element for each Floor or Unit here.
    0 1st floor array should be the lowest floor in the building
    Floorplan A black on white image containing a simplified version of the design blueprints. They need to be on real life scale and imported as is.
    Floor Name A short name displayed on top of the floorplan image.
    Height Offset The lowest floor should have an offset of 0.0. The offset is the total offset from the lowest floor.
    > Rooms for List Add an array element for each Room here.
    0 | 1 | 2 ... Add the names of rooms here. You can asign Variation Actors to the room ID to make lists more readable.
    > advanced display
    Fade Black Teleport If ticked the screen fades to black for the time to teleport to a new location. Good for VR.
    Tele Slide Time The time it takes to move the player to the new location. Default 1.2
    Dot Size The size of the location icon in the floorplan. Default 16, increase to around 32 for touch screen controls.
    Ratio [Read Only] Displayes the ratio of the floorplan image for debugging.


    Edit Mode

    Edit Mode lets the user interact with the scene. Use
    • BP_SDotUi3_Variation to change an object or interact with it.
    • BP_SDotUI3_ObjectInfo to get some information about an object.

    A Dot will appear on the object and the name will be displayed, if it is editable.

    The Variation Window will open when an object connected with the Variation Blueprint is selected.

    Here the Variation has also an Object Info section added for each variation choice.

    The Variations will change in the scene immediately. The window will close if the Accept Button is clicked. The Cancel Button will revert to the previous variation.

    > Edit And Info Mode
    Edit Mode Header The header name for the Edit Mode feature
    Include Info Actors Should always be enabled.
    Marker Visibility Type All = Show all markers
    Selected = Only show the selected marker
    None = Never show the markers
    Marker Scale Size of the markers.
    Max Edit Distance How far the tracer can see. Any object further away won't be editable
    Target Screen Offset Offset of the target cross from the center of the screen. Can be modified for VR or Gamepad controls
    Max Variation List Height The height of the list of variations before they are starting to be scrolled. One item is about 30 units high.
    Info Panel Width The width of the Info Panel widget. Changing this may have undesired results
    > Object Image Size The max size of the object image. The width of the text block is fixed. So this needs to be set with the Info Panel Width and with the overall Panel Width in mind.
    > Brand Icon Size The max size of the Branc Icon.
    > advanced display
    Decal Material The decal material for the dot
    Search Decal Material The decal material for the cross
    Decal Size The size of the decal
    Hit Icon Size The size of the object type icon and the mouse icon in the widget.


    Cost Tracking

    The Cost of the selected variations can be tracked and displayed.
    • Unit Base Costs: can be entered in the info map
    • Cost Groups: costs can be entered in the variation and info blueprints and categorized by the Cost Group ID
    • Additional Costs: can be entered in the Cost Group blueprint

    > Cost Tracking
    Cost Header The header name for this feature
    Currency The currency symbol
    Unit Base Header The header name for the unit base cost section
    Unit Cost Total Text The description for the total of the unit base cost section
    > Unit Costs An array of unit costs that are fixed for this unit
    Index [0] unit cost items can be added to the cost tracking
    Item Name Name of the cost item
    Cost amount of the cost
    Index [1] another item
    > Price Groups Price groups create sections for the cost tracking. Like Kitchen, Furniture, Appliances
    Index [0] Cost Group - use this ID in the Variation or Info Actor
    Index [1] Cost Group
    > advanced display
    Unit Base Price Deprecated. Use an item of the Unit Costs instead.
    Max Cost List Height The max height of the widget before items get scrolled


    User Manager and Saves

    Users can be named and their choices can be saved in up to 5 save slots. The slots can be reloaded when the user comes back another day. Use the 'Unit ID' in the project settings to create separate slots for separate units or houses within the same project.

    Scenarios and Variations are saved.

    > User Manager And Saves
    Save Slots Header Change or Translate the Save Slots header here.
    User Manager Header Change or Translate the User Manager header here
    Screenshot Resolution Type a screenshot resolution, like 1920x1080, or with a multiplyer of the screen size, like 2. High numbers may crash the game.
    > advanced display
    Save Slot Size The slot size. Can be increased for touch screen devices.
    Use Default Save Directory The defautl directory is within your project MyProject/Saves/Windows/Screenshots
    Custom Directory This will overwrite the default directory if valid. Otherwise the save of screenshots or lists will fail.


    About Project and Help

    > About Project And Help
    Headers Change or Translate the header here.
    Project Name The name of the project will be displayed in the Info widget
    Project Text An additional punch line for the project name
    > Project Info Text An array of lines. Meant to be used for address and phone number, etc.
    Prj Info Text Size Size of the Info Text
    Prj Logo A square image that is displayed on top of the Info menu. Needs to be black and white to integrate into the UI color scheme. Can be a material
    Help Image Add an image here to explain the controls. There are images available in the Tex folder. Or create your own image.
    > Office Logos Add an array of logos here. They need to have a 2:1 side ratio (256x128 px or larger). If they are black and white they are integrated into the UI color scheme. Can be materials.
    Prj Logo Size The size of the logo in the UI.


    Project Media

    This is meant to display marketing or other information for the project. Videos or images with a short description can be stored.
    > Info Media
    Info Media Header Translate or change the header here.
    > Info Media Add an array element for information you want to display in the Info menu.
    > 0 First info media asset
    Name A short name for the button.
    Image An image to be displayed. To integrate with the UI color scheme, use a black on white image. (Needs UIGraphic being enabled)
    UIGraphic Untick this if you want the white background of an image to remain white. Otherwise it will be treated as UI graphic.
    Media Source Add an Unreal Media Source object here to display a movie. This has priority and will override any image to display.
    Description A short description for the movie or image displayed.

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