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UI3 Overview
UI3 Get Started
3.2 UI Settings
3.2 UI Design
Features /Preview
Edit & Info Mode
UI3 Blueprints
UI3 Game Modes
UI3 Bugs
UI3 Versions

UI3.2 Known Bugs And Solutions

Look here for answers if something does not go according to plan.

[fixed] or [lagacy] indicate that the issue has been solved in an update.


Menu is Empty

Packaging Tips

Packaging Fails

[Fixed] Packaging Fails After 3.2 Update (June 2023)

[Fixed] [5.3] GameMode Blueprint Error

VR Tablet Is Blurry

Some images on the VR tablet are too dark or too bright.

[Legacy] Enable Thumbstick for Movement in VR

[legacy] TV not playing

I cannot select an object in edit mode

Player Facing the Wrong Way At Start

Looking Through Windows Looks Wrong.

[Legacy?] Floorplan appears to be unscaled

[Legacy] Asset materials change when hitting [F]

Menu is Empty

New Info Map

The UI may have no menus if you place a brand new info map into your level. The UI is defined in the Main Menu Layout array. You can copy the info map from the demo scene into your scene.

Updated Scene

There might be no sub panels after you updated the UI3 project to a newer UI version. This is because the way the UI is stored in the Main Menu Layout array has changed. Read how to update the UI Design at the link below.

UI Design


Packaging Tips

Packaging will create an app that can be run by users that do not have Unreal installed. You find it in the File menu (Unreal 4) or above the viewport (Unreal 5).

First make a few changes to the Project Settings

  • Set the Default Game Map In the Maps and Modes section. This needs to be the main (persistent) level of your scene.
  • Add the levels that need to be cooked in the Packaging - Advanced - List of Maps to include... array. You don't need to add any sub levels that are loaded from your main levels to the list. But you need to add any other levels if the user can travel to them.
  • Add your movie directory there as well. I put them in both arrays Additional Non-Asset Directories ... . It's probably not necessary that way.

NOTE: Leaving the list of maps empty can increase your package size significantly. In that case everything in the project will be packaged.


Packaging Fails

Sometimes Unreal didn't install some additional software needed. Check that you have the software when the packaging fails early on:

  • Windows SDK
  • Visual Studio (free community version)
  • Net framework (if everything else doesn't help)

Check the output log if the packaging fails later on. Scroll down to the very end and then look for any red messages above, like a missing structure here:

[2023.06.08...]LogProperty: Error: FStructProperty::Serialize.../UI/Widgets/UI3_CustomButton.UI3_CustomBu tton_C: Color Set Used'. Unknown structure.

Scroll down for a few more solutions for failed packaging.

Unreal Documentation


[Fixed] Packaging Fails After 3.2 Update (June 2023)

Look for the 2 widgets below if packaging fails with an error about those assets:

  • UI3_IconButton.uasset (NOT IconButton02)
  • UI3_ListButton.uasset

They are referencing an old structure. I added dummy widgets with the same name to overwrite them in case of an update. You can delete them as they are not used anymore since May 2023.

The update also fixes the same error for the widgets

  • UI3_CustomButton
  • UI3_PreviewButton

They had a reference to the variable called Color Set Used. The variable itself used the deleted structure ArchVizUI_V3/UI/Etc/Structures. You can put this variable back into the folder to solve both problems without updating. Download the file from the link below:



[Fixed] [5.3] GameMode Blueprint Error

You might get an error when you hit the play button in the editor.

The Game Modes blueprints contain a node to enable or disable the VR headset. The node Enable HMD is not available in Unreal Engine 5.3 unless the OpenXR plugin is enabled. All other engines don't have that problem as far as I know.

To solve this you can

  • Enable the OpenXR plugin.
  • Or open the 4 game mode blueprints in the ArchVizUI3 / UI / Blueprints folder, switch to full blueprint editing mode, and remove the node Enable HMD. Compile and save the blueprints.


VR Tablet Is Blurry

Sorry I'm aware of it. I submitted an update with an example level to show how to set the UI up for VR.
  • The update fixes the interface not responding
  • Set the default aperture to 32 or it will be blurry because the tablet is out of focus. (Settings - Cinematic Camera)
  • use colour scheme id 3 as a start
  • increase icon and text sizes

Cinematic Camera Settings


Some images on the VR tablet are too dark or too bright.

Too Bright

This is a side effect of using the dynamic sky blueprint. You need to turn down the brightness of all text and image elements. Follow the link at the end of this section.

UI Design
UI Color Set Used Set it to Index [3]
UI Advanced Design
VR Preview Brightness Set it very low, like 0.05

Too Dark

There was a bug where lowering the brightness is applied twice for some image. Change the widget UI3_Image to look like the image. This has been fixed in an update.

Using Game Modes


[Legacy] Enable Thumbstick for Movement in VR

In the next update the VR control scheme will be changed so that the player can move around (locomotion) by using the right thumb stick or pad. I will also update the images for the help screen.

The older way will stay as an alternative. You would need to rename the DefaultInput.alt to DefaultInput.ini to get the old controls back.

You could also change the Axis Mappings in the Project Settings as seen in the image here. Remove the red marked Look Up mappings and add them to the Move Forward mappings instead.

I don't have access to a VR controller myself at the moment. If that unexpectedly doesn't solve the problem then please let me know.



[legacy] TV not playing

Somehow the BP_TVPlaying actor is set to a movie that doesn't exist in the folder.

Please open this blueprint in the blueprint editor

  • Click on the variable Media Source
  • Change it to CliffHouse_Low
  • Save and Compile

Finally check if the actor in the level has the same media source set. And look into your directory if the actual movie (MP4 file) is there. Sometimes only the unreal actor is there but not the movie.


I cannot select an object in edit mode

This has been fixed in the latest update.

Problem: You cannot select an object in edit mode. The name changes when you hover over the object, but nothing happens if you select it.

Solution: Open the project settings and search for Touch in the search bar on top of the window. Untick the tick box where it says: Use Mouse for Touch.

If this doesn't help then try to update the UI3 or check if a large collision is in front of the objects.


Player Facing the Wrong Way At Start

The player may start facing random rotations when the App starts. You can fix this by adding a BP_UI3Location near the start point and then use the name of that start point as the Start Location Name in the Info Map in the Project Settings Section.


Looking Through Windows Looks Wrong.

This can happen in any of the Unreal 5 versions. Lumen is creating ambient occlusion and shadows. But it doesn't really care about translucency. The demo project uses ray traced translucency for this reason. This improves the Reflections on the glass panes as well.

Part of translucency is Refraction. Turn it off to fix overly dark shadows behind glass. As seen in the image. You can also try to tweak refraction in the glass material. (There might be other places to look for it, like the light sources, or the project and world settings).

This topic has many aspects and it is constantly changing as well. I can only direct you to Google to find out what works best for you.


[Legacy?] Floorplan appears to be unscaled

Since either 5.1 or later the floorplan occasionally seems to un-scale itself. You can easily fix this by
  • making a change to the info maps settings
  • moving the info map and then undo the move
This may happen again next time you open the editor.

I've been trying to find the cause for this. But despite many hours and some different approaches it just doesn't go away.

I'll keep trying and update the project as soon as this issue is solved or maybe it solves itself one day without an apparent reason. The same way it got introduced.


[Legacy] Asset materials change when hitting [F]

There might be a case where the UI gets stuck in Edit Mode. Meshes get changed by hiding or un-hiding the menu by pressing [F] or clicking (B) on the gamepad. To fix this yourself
  • Open the UI3_MainMenu widget
  • Open the Function Hide All Sub Menus
  • Change the nodes to look as shown in the image
  • Compile and save the widget

This will be fixed in an update soon.

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