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Kitchen Builder Tips And FAQ

Check this page if you run into a problem. You can send a support email to


Kitchen sink bench cut-outs

L-Shaped Layout (Corners)

U-Shaped Layout

Corner on 'Other Side'


Laundry, Wardrobes, etc

[Bug] Library out of date (_black)

Connect To UI3 or other Blueprint

Kitchen sink bench cut-outs

[added cut-outs for 90 benches Oct-20 22]

Only 60, 75, or 90 wide modules cut out the sink automatically (and 45 for the smallest sink). Check for an update if they don't!

Want to use your own sink? You can hide the selected sink with a tick box underneath the list. Try to find a similar sink and check if the cut-out works for a sink that isn't in the list. Then place the sink manually.

Or hide the bench entirely and place your own bench module instead. Benches live in the folder Modules/Bench_A. The names should give you an idea which sink they are made for. You could export one of the benches and then adjust it in Blender or 3ds Max. You have to place it manually.


L-Shaped Layout (Corners)

You can add a corner module at the end of each kitchen setup. It ads 90 * 90 cm wide corner cabinets. Then add another kitchen blueprint in an 90 degree angle to achieve the L-shape.

Best to set all the design features on the first blueprint and then copy the entire blueprint so they have both the same settings. You can also select both blueprints and make changes to both at the same time.

There are 3 different wall cabinets available. The bottom cabinet is always the same.

Finally you can use a standard cabinet to end the row of each cabinets and only guide the base cabinet around the corner.

This image shows how the two blueprints are placed to achieve an L- shaped layout.

The kitchen blueprint on the right has the corner tiling enabled without having a wall on the right side.


U-Shaped Layout

Add another blueprint the same way to turn your L-shaped layout to an U-shaped one.


Corner on 'Other Side'

You may need a base corner and a standard cabinet on the left side of a kitchen layout. Check the Example map for how to achieve that.

The kitchen blueprint on the left side has no top cabinets and a base corner element. The standard wall cabinet would face the wrong way. Instead it is added with the kitchen blueprint on the right side. It has to be a 90 width module with no base cabinet, no bench but a splashback.



The previous example also shows an island style layout. Some meshes from the Meshes / Additional folder are added here as well.

An island is basically a kitchen without top / wall cabinets and splashbacks. This can be seen in another example in the level.


Laundry, Wardrobes, etc

Feel free to use the kitchen blueprint for anything that would use the provided cabinets or appliances. Like a laundry or a row of cupboards or a wardrobe.

You can always add a mesh from outside the package if you're missing an appliance or mesh in the blueprint.



[Bug] Library out of date (_black)

A few library items are out of date. To fix this
  • Open Content/Bluerpints/Library/BP_LibAppliances
  • Open Function Get Rangehood
  • Replace the 2 marked assets with the ones named _Black in the same location
  • Open Function Get Washing
  • Change the value of the marked rangehood to the one seen in the picture (32.5 Y)
  • Compile the LibAppliances blueprint and save it.
  • Open Content/Bluerpints/BP_KitchenBuilder
  • Compile and save it without making any change


Connect To UI3 or other Blueprint

You can connect the kitchen blueprint in the scene to the UI3 Interface or any other interface using a Blueprint Interface
  1. Open the blueprint BP_KitchenSwapActor
  2. Go to the Class Settings
  3. Add the Blueprint Interface BPI_UI3_Interaction to the list of interfaces. It's in the panel on the right
  4. Right Click on the Interface Function Change Variation to ID and Implement Function. It's in the panel on the left. Find the red Function Node and move it near the Node that is currently connected under Begin Play
  5. Remove the existing function node, if necessary, and connect the pins as seen in the image.

Read more in the Documentation for UI3

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