Pages in Documentation

Swap Actor
Swap Actor
UI3 Connect
UI3 VR projects
UI3 Scene Settings
Spl. T. Versions
Mesh Def.
Books V2
UI3 Vers History
UI3 Preview Ft.
UI3 Overview
UI3 Bugs
UI3 Data Entry
UI3 Design
3 Spline Tools
Doors FAQ
[old] Doors UE5
Step by Step
Tips & FAQ
UI3 Input Controls
Books V1
Doors UE4 (V1)
Change list
3.1 Bugs Fixes
2A Generic BP
2B Gen Examples
1 Railings
UI 1 - Part 1
UI 1
Ui 1 - Part 2
1 Overview
2 UI Features
3 Get Started
4 Info Map
5 BP Actors
6 Manage Clients
8 Tutorials
UI3 Overview
UI3 Get Started
3.1 Info Map
UI3 Edit & Info
UI3 Other BPs

Features With Preview

Features With Preview (former Custom Features) can be any of the following features

  • Scenario
  • Design Scheme
  • Variation Group
  • Scene Travel
  • Sequence Player

This section explains how to use them.


Video Tutorials

Differences between UI3 versions

Use Features With Preview in the UI


Design Schemes and Variation Groups

Sequence Player

Scene Travel

Setting up a Feature With Preview

Setting Up Variation Actors for Groups

Updating Feature Settings

Video Tutorials

Three parts of the Video Tutorials are about the use of the Variation Actor and the UI Features related to it.
  • Part 4 - Design Schemes
  • Part 5 - Variation Groups
  • Part 6 - Object Interaction

This video is part 4. Click on the link below to watch the entire playlist.

Video Tutorial Play List

Differences between UI3 versions

The UI3 had only one instance per feature type available in the earlier versions. One Design Scheme, one Scenario, and so on. This sometimes wasn't enough. You couldn't change the kitchen layout and the lighting with only one scenario. Or travel to another unit in the current building, and also to other buildings. It was either or.

So I added 5 custom features that could be used in addition to the 4 single feature types.

The next logical step was to make everything a custom feature with preview. This happened September 2023.

It causes some problems for projects that are updated from earlier versions.

  • The original feature panels, like the single Design Scheme were empty. You have to enter the settings into the Features with Preview array instead.
  • An ID was needed to identify the features in the interface. That couldn't be done with the old system. All the panels have to be recreated.

You can get the UI to do the update for you. Read how at the very last section of this page.


Use Features With Preview in the UI

Use the Feature With Preview type if you want to add a Design Scheme, Variation Group, Scenario, Scene Travel, or Sequence Player in the Main Menu Layout

Then create an element in the Features with Preview array. Set the Custom Feature to the type of feature you want to use, like Design Scheme. Add the name and the options to that array element as well. Read further down how.

Then go back to the Main Menu Layout and enter the array index of the new feature you just created as the Feature ID in the panel array.



Scenarios are sub levels that can hold any assets. They can provide two different furniture or kitchen layouts as demonstrated in the demo scene.

They can also hold the entire lighting information for the scene. You could have one with night light and one with daylight set up. In this case they are Lighting Scenario and need to be marked as such in level browser (the light icon enabled).

Lighting Scenarios Documentation


Design Schemes and Variation Groups

Design Schemes will change all Variation Actors to the ID that is set as the option for this choice. They need to have Use With Design Schemes ticked, which is the default.
In previous versions the Design Scheme's option array id was used as the option ID. You now have to set the option ID even if it is the same as the array ID.

A Variation Group is a group of Variation Actors that can be changed at once.

How to use the Variation blueprint


Sequence Player

The Sequence Player can run animations that are set up using Unreal Sequences. They are movies taken in real time. All current changes will appear in them.

Unreal Sequencer Documentation


Scene Travel

This allows you to load another scene (or world). Which means you are loading another persistent level. This level needs its own UI and Info Map. Use this for multi unit projects or multi houses developments. The level needs to be in the same project. You can't load a level in a different project.


Setting up a Feature With Preview

Add an array element to the Features with Preview array to create a new feature. You can add, copy, delete, or move them like with any other array.

> Features With Preview
> Features with Preview Add an array element for each feature.
> Index [0] Feature ID 0
> Index [1] Feature ID 1
Custom Feature Choose the type of feature
  • Scenario: Switches sub levels for layout or lighting
  • Design Scheme: Switches ALL variation actors to the option ID
  • Variation Group: Switches selected variation actors
  • Scene Travel: loads a new scene persistent level
  • Sequence Player: plays sequences (pre set up animations)

Feature Header A header name for the UI
Default Option the ID of the option loaded at app start. Note that the defaults will be set in descending order. First feature comes first. Later features have higher priority and will overwrite previous defaults.

> Options Add an array element for each option.
> Index [0] first option
Preview A preview image with the size ratio set in the UI Design section. Size can be defined in the UI settings
Name The name displayed in the UI below the preview image
  • Scenario or Scene Travel: the exact name of the level
  • Design Scheme or Variation Groups: the option ID
  • Sequence Player: the ID of the sequence set up in the Sequences Array below
> Sequences Array Add an array element for each sequence you want to use.
> Index [0] first sequence ID 0 - use the ID as the OPTION for the sequence player feature
> Index [1] sequence ID 1


Setting Up Variation Actors for Groups

Variation Groups, unlike a Design Scheme, can change a limited group of Variation Actors. The seating/couch area in the demo project is an example for this.

The Variation Actors will only change if they have an entry for the group's Feature ID. If it has it will set the Variation Actor to the Variation ID that is set for the Option ID it received.

> Variation Settings
> Variation Groups Add an array element here per Variation Group
> Index [0] Group ID
Feature ID Enter the ID of the Variation Group in the Feature with Preview array
> Variation ID array of options
Index [0] Variation that should be set for Option [0] of the Variation Group. In this example Options and Variation IDs are the same. So choosing Option 0 will switch the actor to Variation ID 0.
Variation and Option ID don't have to be the same.
Index [1] Variation that should be set for Option [1] of the Variation Group
Index [2] Variation that should be set for Option [2] of the Variation Group


Updating Feature Settings

You can update data from the previous versions to the new system. You may have to adjust the data afterwards. Already set new data will not be changed unless Force is clicked.

UI Panels Design

(Force) Update From Old Data

This will copy the layout from Content (Old) to Feature Panels and set IDs as well.

Features With Preview Images

(Force) Create Array from OLD Old Data

This will copy the data from the old single Scenarios, Design Schemes, Scene Travels, and Sequence Player and append any existing Custom Features to the Features with Preview array.

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