Pages in Documentation

Swap Actor
Swap Actor
UI3 Connect
UI3 VR projects
UI3 Scene Settings
Spl. T. Versions
Mesh Def.
Books V2
UI3 Vers History
UI3 Preview Ft.
UI3 Overview
UI3 Bugs
UI3 Data Entry
UI3 Design
3 Spline Tools
Doors FAQ
[old] Doors UE5
Step by Step
Tips & FAQ
UI3 Input Controls
Books V1
Doors UE4 (V1)
Change list
3.1 Bugs Fixes
2A Generic BP
2B Gen Examples
1 Railings
UI 1 - Part 1
UI 1
Ui 1 - Part 2
1 Overview
2 UI Features
3 Get Started
4 Info Map
5 BP Actors
6 Manage Clients
8 Tutorials
UI3 Overview
UI3 Get Started
3.1 Info Map
UI3 Edit & Info
UI3 Other BPs

Connect UI3 To External Blueprints

How to connect to other blueprints that are not part of the UI3 project.


Connect Blueprints to the UI3

Send the Variation ID to another Blueprint

Setting Up The Other Blueprint

Interactive Door Blueprint

Modular Kitchen Builder

Light Switch Example

Video Tutorial for UDS and EFM

Using the Ultra Dynamic Sky

Create lists with Easy File Manager

This will open the blueprint interface editor. There is not much to see in that interface.
  1. Click on the folder icon to navigate to its location in the Content Browser
  2. Check the location is in the directory ArchVizUI_V3 / UI / Etc

If it's not in this directory you have to go back to the blueprint and add the other interface with the same name. Check again until you are sure the correct interface has been added.

Unfortunately I added an interface with the same name into some of my other products. I didn't really understand how they work, sorry.



Setting Up The Other Blueprint

The other blueprint needs to react to the interface function call. This is what the fan blueprint does:
  1. The function Change Variation to ID is executed
  2. Is the Tag named Fan? If True, this interface call is for this blueprint. Execute the nodes.
  3. A value is selected depending on the value of Change to ID
  4. The Rotation Rate variable is set to the selected value
  5. The Event Tick rotates the fan constantly by a set amount. The new Rotation Rate value will make the rotation faster or slower.



Interactive Door Blueprint

The Door Blueprint has been updated to work better with the ArchVizUI3. It now has a Swap Actor that connects the UI3 with the doors.

The door blueprint may have a blueprint interface with the same name as the UI3 unfortunately in earlier versions. Make sure the interface from the UI3 is added and not the one with the same name.

Read more in the Door Blueprint Documentation.

Interactive Doors Documentation


Modular Kitchen Builder

The Modular Kitchen Builder uses a swap actor between the kitchen and the UI3. Info is available in the documentation for the Kitchen (link below).

Find the BP_KitchenBuilder_SwapActor and connect the blueprint interface to it. Update connections as described for the doors blueprint.

  • Variation Materials are set in the Kitchen Swap Actor
  • The UI3 Variations Actor only contains the Variation Names

Modular Kitchen Builder Swap Actor Documentation


Light Switch Example

This is the blueprint setup for the toggle light. Watch the Tutorial Video for more details.

They both work the same way:

Read more


Video Tutorial for UDS and EFM

This video tutorial explains how to connect the Ultra Dynamic Sky and the Easy File Manager to the interface.


There are 2 functions you will have to change. They are

  • either in the UI3_MainMenu widget. It's in the UI/Widgets folder.
  • or in the BFL_Customization Library in the UI/Blueprints Folder

Find and open the widget or library. Look for the 2 functions Get Sun Sky and Set Sun Sky.

This is the version June 2024 where the function is in the BFL_Customization function library.

Make a copy of the function library before you update your project to a newer version of the UI3 project. Then copy it back to save your changes.

You can't copy into a different engine version (5.3 to 5.4). You would need to migrate instead.












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