Pages in Documentation
UI3 Overview
[old] Doors UE5
Quick Start
Swap Actor
Custom Assets
System Drawings
Step by Step
Tips & FAQ
UI3 Designer
UI3 Cost
UI3 Features
UI3 Quick Guide
UI3 Scene Settings
UI3 Connect
UI3 VR projects
UI3 Vers History
UI3 Preview Ft.
UI3 Fix Bugs
UI3 Design
UI3 Layout Design
UI3 Input&Mode
Ver History
V3 Placements
V3 Mesh Def.
V3 Segments
V3 Quick Start
Books V2
Books V1
Quick Guide
Swap Actor
Doors FAQ
Doors UE4 (V1)
3.1 Bugs Fixes
Ver History
V2 Generic BP
V2 Examples
V1 Railings Fences
UI 1 - Part 1
UI 1
Ui 1 - Part 2
1 Overview
UI2 Features
UI2 Get Started
UI2 Info Map
UI2 BP Actors
UI2 User Manager
UI2 Tutorials
UI3 Overview
UI3 Get Started
3.1 Info Map
UI3 Variations
UI3 Other BPs
Connect UI3 To External Blueprints
How to connect to other blueprints that are not part of the UI3 project.
- Modular Kitchen Builder Blueprint
- Interactive Door Blueprint
- Switchable Lights
- Water FX from a tap
- Custom opening doors
Video Tutorial for UDS and EFM
Connect Blueprints to UI3
External Blueprints can be connected with the Blueprint interface ArchVizUI_V3 / UI / Etc / BPI_UI3_Interaction.The SDotUI3_CharacterV3 has it already implemented.
To implement the interface
- Click on the Class Settings
- Click on Add in the Implemented Interfaces section in the Details panel and Select the blueprint interface BPI_UI3_Interaction.
- Check the location of the selected interface. It has to be the one in ArchViz/UI/Etc.
Right click the Change Variation To ID in the Interfaces section on the left side panel and choose Implement event.
The Event will be placed in the Events panel and needs to be connected to the Set Fan Speed white section nodes.
The Blueprint listens to the interface. It changes the Rotation Rate variable if the Tag that is sent is the same as the one set for this Fan.
The blueprint adds a bit of rotation every Tick. A Tick happens every frame. The variable sets the rotation rate that is added. Setting the rotation rate to 0.0 will stop the fan.
Interactive Door Blueprint
The Modular Kitchen Builder uses a swap actor between the kitchen and the UI3. Connect the blueprint interface to the BP_Doors_SwapActor.More Info is available in the documentation for the Doors Blueprint.
Variation Actors or the Designer can be used to make changes to the Interactive Doors Blueprint.
Modular Kitchen Builder
The Modular Kitchen Builder uses a swap actor between the kitchen and the UI3. Connect the blueprint interface to the BP_KitchenBuilder_SwapActor.More Info is available in the documentation for the Kitchen Builder.
Variation Actors or the Designer can be used to make changes to the Modular Kitchen Builder.
Light Switch Example
This is the blueprint setup for the toggle light added in the Tutorial Video.- Add the BPI_UI3_Interaction interface to the class settings
- Implement the Change Variation to ID into the graph
- Set the same Tag name in blueprint and Variation Actor
The blueprint uses a Switch on INT node to execute different actions depending on the Variation IDs received.
Video Tutorial for UDS and EFM
This video tutorial explains how to connect the Ultra Dynamic Sky and the Easy File Manager to the interface.Functions
There are 2 functions you will have to change. They are
- either in the UI3_MainMenu widget. It's in the UI/Widgets folder.
- or in the BFL_Customization Library in the UI/Blueprints Folder
Find and open the widget or library. Look for the 2 functions Get Sun Sky and Set Sun Sky.
The Easy File Manager plugin from the marketplace can save reports created with the UI3. There might be other plugins that can do the same.Version 2024-06 or later
Open UI / Blueprints BFL_Customization function library and complete the Save Report File function.
This function library can be backed up and recovered in case an UI3 update would revert your changes.