Pages in Documentation

Swap Actor
Swap Actor
UI3 Connect
UI3 VR projects
UI3 Scene Settings
Spl. T. Versions
Mesh Def.
Books V2
UI3 Vers History
UI3 Preview Ft.
UI3 Overview
UI3 Bugs
UI3 Data Entry
UI3 Design
3 Spline Tools
Doors FAQ
[old] Doors UE5
Step by Step
Tips & FAQ
UI3 Input Controls
Books V1
Doors UE4 (V1)
Change list
3.1 Bugs Fixes
2A Generic BP
2B Gen Examples
1 Railings
UI 1 - Part 1
UI 1
Ui 1 - Part 2
1 Overview
2 UI Features
3 Get Started
4 Info Map
5 BP Actors
6 Manage Clients
8 Tutorials
UI3 Overview
UI3 Get Started
3.1 Info Map
UI3 Edit & Info
UI3 Other BPs

UI3 Version History

Version History for ArchViz User Interface 3.


UI3.0/1 - September 2021

UI3.1.3 - October 2021

UI3.1.5 - March 2022

UI3.1.5 - April/Mai 2022

UI3.2.1 - March 2023

UI3.2.4 - May-July 2023

UI3 V 2024-04

UI3 V 2024-04.1

UI3 V 2024-06

UI3 V 2024-06.1

UI3.0/1 - September 2021

The product contained all main features from its release on
  • Scenarios
  • Design Schemes and object edits
  • Sequence Player
  • Scene Travel
  • Interactive Floorplan
  • Help and Info Panels
  • Screenshots, Lists
  • Multiple User support and Save Slots

It could be controlled by
  • Keyboard and Mouse
  • Touch (with pixel streaming)
  • Mouse Move (click on a spot on the floor to move to it)


UI3.1.3 - October 2021

Added Game modes and input controls for
  • Game Pad (XBox Controller)
  • VR

And a lot of little improvements of the visuals, stability, usability.


UI3.1.5 - March 2022

This versions main improvements:
  • A cinematic camera and controls in the UI
  • An orbital camera option
  • Icons next to the menu


UI3.1.5 - April/Mai 2022

Unreal Engine 5 released.
  • Added fully dynamic lighting
  • Dynamic Sun and Positioning
  • Exposed text for better translation (wip)

Updating to this version requires some data to be re entered into the Info Map.


UI3.2.1 - March 2023

This is a major improved version. Some data from older projects would need to be re entered after updating from previous versions.
  • This version introduced a modular interface. Feature Panels can be moved to any main menu item. Main menu items can be moved, added or deleted.
  • Fully translate all used text into a different language using text arrays for everything that wasn't customized already.
  • General quality update and fixes of problems that surfaced over time.


UI3.2.4 - May-July 2023

July 2023

This update completed the 2023 major UI3 improvements.
  • Merged Scenario, Design Scheme, Scene Travel, Sequence Player with the 5 Custom Features into Features with Preview. There can be as many as needed.
  • The Dynamic Sky got a 'Speed' setting that will animate the daylight cycle when larger than 0.0.
  • Game Settings can now be changed in the UI to improve quality or performance.

May 2023

  • Temporary enabled additional 5 custom feature panels that can contain Design Scheme, Scenario, or Scene Travel. Gives the opportunity to change object groups independently. Like the kitchen area, or the seating area.
  • The Font can now be changed within the Info Map.
  • Improved design options, like colours, or text and icon sizes.


UI3 V 2024-04

Object Info feature
  • Added BP_SDotUI3_ObjectInfo Blueprint actor. It works similar to the Variation Blueprint and displays an image and information text for selected objects in the UI.
  • The Variation Blueprint got an Object Info section too
  • A JSON data file for the inventory list can be created. The CSV and HTML formats are now working proper log (requires easy file manager plugin to create file)


  • A small target cross is now displayed during actor searching for Info Objects and Variations. The target can be offset from center.
  • Player camera height now changes the VR tablet position with it
  • Location Names can now be hidden and their size can be adjusted in the Floorplan widget.


UI3 V 2024-04.1

This update is for Unreal Engine 5 only.
  • Added Cost Estimate Widget. This calculates the cost based on user choices. (Object Info - Feature ID 1)
  • The Variation Actor has a price array for each variation. This can be used instead of adding an Info Object for each variation.
  • The first info array element will be used if the current variation doesn't have an array element.
  • The price will be listed next to the variation name.
  • The cost data can be exported as a CSV table.

Unreal 4 requires baked lighting most of the times. This makes changing static meshes in the scene difficult. I recommend using Unreal 5 instead.


UI3 V 2024-06 June 2024
    Unreal 5.3 and later only
  • Updated Input method to Enhanced Input. The Input Context actor is UI/Etc/Input/MC_ArchVizUI3.uasset.
  • Movement and browse have been swapped on all controllers. Left hand is move now and right hand browses the menu.
    Unreal 5 - all versions
  • Added Update Blueprint tick box to rescale the floorplan.
  • Disabled real-time capture of skylight to avoid performance drops.
  • Improved cost tracking and the on-screen report. SDotUI3_CostGroup actor can be placed to add cost items to individual levels.
  • implemented group totals and level cost info widget and CSV export


UI3 V 2024-06.1

July 13-2024 - hotfix

  • object info not updating when price array is enabled
  • mesh variations offset not working

July 01-2024 - hotfix

  • Variation List Visuals
  • Reports filename
  • Dynamic sun date

June 23-2024 - Unreal 5 only

Main Updates:

  • Variation Actor: Mesh variations are now easier to set up (backwards compatible)
  • Edit Mode now includes Object Info. Widget is improved.
  • Cost Tracking: Improved all reports.
  • Blueprint functions: moved some functions out of the character blueprint for easier maintenance and updating.


  • Floorplan ratio auto calculation is working again
  • BFL_Customization library contains functions that need to be changed for Ultra Dynamic Sky and File Manager. Can be reused after updating (back it up and restore!)

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