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Swap Actor
Swap Actor
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Mesh Def.
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3 Spline Tools
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1 Railings
UI 1 - Part 1
UI 1
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1 Overview
2 UI Features
3 Get Started
4 Info Map
5 BP Actors
6 Manage Clients
8 Tutorials
UI3 Overview
UI3 Get Started
3.1 Info Map
UI3 Edit & Info
UI3 Other BPs

UI3 Edit And Object Info Modes

The Variation Actor is the connection between the UI3 and the objects that should be interactive in your scene and can

  • change meshes and or their materials
  • interact with any other blueprint using a blueprint interface

The Object Info can display information and the price of an object.


Video Tutorials

Variation Icon Colours

Variation Settings

Variation Materials

Video: Mesh Variations

Variation Meshes

Variation Info

Object Info Blueprint

Restore Original Meshes

Interact With Other Blueprints

Video Tutorials

Three parts of the Video Tutorials are about the use of the Variation Actor and the UI Features related to it.
  • Part 4 - Design Schemes
  • Part 5 - Variation Groups
  • Part 6 - Object Interaction

This video is part 4. Click on the link below to watch the entire playlist.

Video Tutorial Play List

Variation Icon Colours

The blueprint actor SDotUI3_Variations lives in the UI/Blueprints folder. The icon colour will change depending on what the actor is set to do:
  • Green - Material variations.
  • Blue - Mesh and material variations.
  • Dark Green - Child of another actor
  • White - Not part of the Design Schemes
  • Orange - Parent only, calling interface
  • Red - Indicates a possible wrong setting

Variation Names, Variation Materials, Variation Meshes, and their Offsets, as well as Object Info, and Price, are linked through the index number.

Mesh with index [0] will have the material, name, and price with index [0]. And so on.

You have to enter a mesh or material for every array index as soon as you add one element to that array. Otherwise, the UI feature might not work proper.


Variation Materials

> Variation Materials
> Materials Add an array element for each set of material variations for the specified ID.
Material ID The material ID on the mesh. There might only be one material (ID 0).
> Material Variations Add an array element for each material variation.
ID 0, 1, 2 ... Add a material for each variation.
Note: The mesh might have multiple materials (IDs). Add a Material Variation array for each material index (ID) you want to change. Every Material ID needs to have the same amount of Variations set up for it. Duplicate materials if necessary.
Original Material Contains the original material of ID [0] applied to the mesh before any variations where applied.
> advanced display
Default Material Deprecated from 2024- 06.1 on. Now called Original Material.


Video: Mesh Variations

Part 6 of the video tutorial has an example on how to use the Variation Blueprint to change static meshes.

Another example explains how to set up the Variation Blueprint to trigger a spot light on and off.

Video Tutorial Play List

Variation Meshes

> Variation Meshes
Enable Mesh Variations Will change mesh variations if enabled
Show Source Mesh Deprecated from 2024-06.1 on. Show or hide the original source mesh.
> Meshes add an array element for each mesh variation.
ID 0, 1, 2 ... The meshes per variation ID.
Note: Put any materials different from the meshes default material into the Materials array above with the same ID as the mesh variation. You need to enter materials for all mesh variations if you change the material of one of the variations. The mesh might get the wrong material assigned otherwise.
> Mesh Transforms Add an array element for each mesh variation that needs to be transformed to match the position of the source mesh.
ID 0, 1, 2 ... Optional transform for the mesh variation with the same ID. Leave any IDs to default if the mesh doesn't need to transform.
Original Mesh Contains the original mesh before any variation was applied.
> advanced display
Default Mesh Deprecated from 2024-06.1 on. Now called Original Mesh.


Variation Info

> Variation Info
Show Info Weather to show the Object Info section above the variation list.
> Object Info add an array element for each variation. Use only the first ID [0] if all variations will have the same Info. More in the Object Info section
Note: Leaving the price in the Object Info 0.0 will hide it. The currency symbol is taken from the Info Map. Prices in the Price Array will override the price in the Object info for cost calculations.
Use Price Array Weather to use prices from the Price Array instead of the Object Info. The price will be displayed next to the variation name.
Price Group ID The ID of the Price Group that can be set in the Price Group array in the Info Map.
> Price Array Add an array element for each mesh variation
ID 0, 1, 2 ... Add the unit cost for each variation ID (optional)
Units (Amount) The amount of objects (4 chairs) or the size of the object (25 m2)
Units (Type) (optional) the unit type like m2 or square inches

> Object Info
Actors Use the eye dropper to connect mesh actor(s) to the blueprint
> Object Info This contains the object information
Object Name A name for the object, preferable the exact item name from the manufacturer
Object Text A description of the item
Object Image Use a simple texture of an image. Set the compression type to UI (no compression)
Brand Icon Use a simple texture of an image of the brand icon. Set the compression type to UI.
use UI Colors for the brand icon. A black and white texture is required for this to work.
Price Group ID (optional) Set the price group this item has in the estimated cost list.
Units (Amount) The amount of objects (4 chairs) or the size of the object (25 m2)
Units (Type) (optional) the unit type like m2 or square inches
> advanced display
use Collision Box tick to use a collision box instead of connecting an actor. Useful for a mesh cluster or any other object that can't be connected otherwise.
Box Scale 3D the size scale of the box
Box Location the offset from the Info Actor icon.


Restore Original Meshes

Obsolete from versions 2024-6.1

You can recover the original mesh if you decide to remove the Variation Actor from the scene. The proper way would be to:

1) Select the tick box to 'Show Source Mesh'.
2) Set the 'Current Variation ID' to 0.
3) Empty the Mesh Variations array (click on bin icon)
4) Remove the Variation blueprint from the scene.

Press G on the keyboard to toggle game mode on. Search for 'Hidden in Game' in their details panel and deactivate it if they disappear when game mode is on.


Interact With Other Blueprints

The Variation Actor can trigger other actors. The video tutorial part 6 has an example of toggling a light on or off near the end.

Another example is the Ceiling Fan. A 'Parent Only' Variation Actor sends the speed setting via the BPI_UI3_Interaction interface to the Fan blueprint. The Fan blueprint then changes the Fan speed.

> Variation Settings
Actors Leave empty. Only Variation Names are required
Variation Names Add text here to Identify the Action or Variation
Index [0] Fan Off
Index [1] Fan Turning Slow
> advanced display
Tag 'Fan' - use the tag in both the Variation Actor and your custom blueprint.
Call Interface tick - to send a message when this actor will be used
Parent Only tick - there are no other actors that are changed in the scene
Box Scale 3D scales the yellow collision box that lets you select the variation actor
Box Location lets you offset the collision box.

Connect UI3 To External Blueprints












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