Pages in Documentation
UI3 Overview
[old] Doors UE5
Quick Start
Swap Actor
Custom Assets
System Drawings
Step by Step
Tips & FAQ
Video Guides
Quick Videos
Cost Tracking
Features Overview
UI3 Quick Guide
Scene Settings
Connect External
VR projects
Version History
F. w. Preview
Fix Known Bugs
UI Settings
UI Layout
Input & Gamemode
V4 Functions 2
V4 Functions P1
V4 Quick Guide
Ver History
V3 Placements
V3 Mesh Def.
V3 Segments
V3 Quick Start
Books V2
Books V1
Quick Guide
Swap Actor
Doors FAQ
Doors UE4 (V1)
3.1 Bugs Fixes
Ver History
V2 Generic BP
V2 Examples
V1 Railings Fences
UI 1 - Part 1
UI 1
Ui 1 - Part 2
1 Overview
UI2 Features
UI2 Get Started
UI2 Info Map
UI2 BP Actors
UI2 User Manager
UI2 Tutorials
UI3 Overview
Getting Started
3.1 Info Map
Variation Actor
Other Blueprints
UI3 Feature Widgets Overview
How to set up the individual Feature in the UI in order of their appearance.
Some features have their own page.
Features with Preview Image
Features with a Preview include- Design Schemes - Changes all Variation Actors
- Variation Groups - Changes groups of Variation Actors
- Scenarios - Replaces sub levels
- Sequence Player - Plays animations
- Scene Travel - Loads another scene
Follow the link for more information about these features
Button Features
Button features other than the Custom Buttons have no settings except the name of the header.Custom Buttons
Buttons that can be used to execute a console command. 5 Button features are pre-set with debugging options as examples. Hit (+) to add more custom button features.
Use the Index as the Feature ID to identify the button in the Main Menu Layout array.
Custom Button features come with one or two buttons. The Button Type defines the number of buttons and their behavior.
Command 1 / 2 are command lines that are executed when the button is clicked.
The interactive Floorplan will show the player's position in play mode. Buttons can be added by placing BP_UI3Location blueprint actors into the scene.The Floorplan Scale is used to align the floorplan size with the building in the scene.
Floors are added in the Floor or Units array. Start with the lowest floor in the scene and then add floors above it in order. The Height Offset is measured from the lowest floor.
Rooms for List can categorize reports. They can be floor names (ground floor) or any other name (Bathroom, Backyard). They are defined here and their index is used in Variation actors.
Face Black Teleport is the preferred form of moving the player in VR applications.
Edit and Info Mode
Edit Mode lets the user interact with the scene. Use- BP_SDotUi3_Variation to change an object or interact with it.
- BP_SDotUI3_ObjectInfo to get some information about an object.
A Dot will appear on the object and the name will be displayed, if it is editable.
Variations can have
- just their names in a list
- prices or a preview icon next to the name
- an info widget added
Depending on the settings in the linked Variation Actor.
Variation changes will appear in the scene immediately.
Clicking the OK icon will accept the change and close the widget. Clicking the X icon will cancel and revert to the previous variation.
Cost Tracking
The Cost of the items in the scene can be tracked and displayed. The price of an object may change as soon as the object changes. The Cost Tracking widget keeps track of changes and always shows the current costs.Unit Costs are costs that do not change for the scene. They can be entered in the Unit Costs array.
Cost Groups are used in reports and the widget to categorize the list. The Variation Actor uses the ID of the group.
Most of the costs will be entered in the Variation Actors.
A Designer can- Modify assets that are spread out over the scene, like doors.
- Modify meshes and their materials independently from each other.
- Connect to other blueprints, like the Interactive Doors BP or the Modular Kitchen Builder BP that are sold separately.
Designers are added to the array element. The first two indexes are pre-set for the above-mentioned external tools.